

Reality Check?

By BlogsNo Comments

When I returned to the United States after a recent trip to England, I stood out as the only black person among the thousands of travelers in the Copenhagen airport. Even when I can blend into a crowd, though, people are drawn to me for some reason and I’m seldom left alone, as desired, with my thoughts and crossword puzzles.  Given that, it was hardly surprising to find myself talking for 10 minutes at my connection gate with a lovely woman named Martha who was traveling from Sweden to South America. When asked about my travels and I said I was researching a book, she told me that she belonged to a writers’ club in her native country. We exchanged email addresses and then sprinted in opposite directions to board our flights.

When Martha reached her destination, she emailed me, saying, “The word for God in Spanish is Dios and coincidence is ‘coincidencia’. Putting the two together to make one word becomes ‘Diosidencia’. I am a firm believer that no encounter in my travels is by coincidence. If I gaze into someone’s eyes and he/she into mine, even for a brief moment, I know there is a reason, and we will meet again.

On the nine-hour flight home, my seatmate was a forty-something computer programmer who was traveling from Denmark to Miami for a week’s work. Although the flight was two-thirds empty because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the flight attendant had offered to relocate him to any of the empty rows, he sat calmly beside me in my window seat for the duration of the flight. For the first five hours, we didn’t interact – we simply watched movies and read books. Neither of us slept nor did we look at each other.

Eventually, we began to talk and for an hour or so he told me about his life – his beloved young daughter, his partner, his son and his passion for cycling. He never asked about my life, nor did I offer any information other than that I was researching a book. We then went back to our ensconced movie watching and reading.

An hour before landing, he told his birthday would be in a week and gave me his home address so I could send him a card if I wanted to. To me, he possessed a certain familiarity I can’t quite explain as we sat together comfortably for the entire flight without once apologizing if our elbows bumped on the armrest or our knees touched lightly. Before disembarking, he looked at me as if he knew me, so I asked, “Am I familiar to you?” His response after a few seconds was, “No, I don’t think I know you, but there is a connection.”

Hmmm…what could he have meant?

We live in what is believed to be a four-dimensional world, but have you ever felt that there is another dimension? As human beings, we all experience that spooky sense of déjà vu, premonition or an eerie, tingling feeling that we eventually dismiss as mere coincidence. We take a step back, decide we’re imagining something that doesn’t exist, deny it happened, then let it go and forget it.

Now, imagine that you experience a string of coincidences, so many that each new one pricks your consciousness and together, they develop significance. Cumulatively, they slap you across the face and spur you to act which, in turn, produces amazing and unexpected outcomes. What if these ongoing coincidences (or whatever you choose to call them) center on a single theme, incident, or experience? Would they demand your attention? How would you handle that?  How could you handle that? Would you be skeptical, doubtful, or uncertain?

My book, Until Someone Remembers is not fiction. It is my memoir, my truth from a recovered memory. Each incident has been verified by a doctor of psychology with decades of experience. It is about how multiple coincidences, when acknowledged in their totality, resulted in astounding and conclusive answers. The outcome will make you step back, do a double-take and reflect, but you will not be able to let it go. You will not forget.

My memoir is also about how this recovered memory from long ago led me to step into the unknown and dare to follow each series of coincidences. Each unsure step I took produced insecurity, loneliness, and vulnerability. But once I crossed those thresholds, I was rewarded with answers to longed-for, age-old questions and received gifts through unconventional sources, which created the most amazing journey ever.

My story includes the darkest moments of my life, my search for meaning and purpose, as well as my transformation from a lost and helpless soul into an indomitable spirit.

Even though Until Someone Remembers may be classified as being about “paranormal” experiences, it is not about evil or maleficent entities. Nor is it about spirits, ghostly apparitions or noises in the attic. In fact, it is about light, love and an undying, unworldly bond.

The Message

By BlogsNo Comments

The belief that love and loss are synonymous, is correct … but not always. Try bending the spiritual spectrum to love, loss, grief and discovery, and there is another view.

There’s a message in your inbox from an IP address you don’t recognize that you are unable to retrieve.  When you open it, it looks like it is written in a language you do not recognize. Even using translation software, produces a nonsensical script. You believe that it could be that you don’t have the right software or it was sent to you by mistake or it is simply annoying spam. You try to open it a second time, but the message just sits there waiting for your acknowledgment. After a day or two you delete it in frustration believing that if it’s important, the sender will resend it. Three days, three weeks, or three months later, the same message reappears, always above all your other messages. Every time it appears, you ignore it and press delete, but it keeps showing up. You try moving the incoming email to the spam folder only to see it return again and again with no particular regularity.  Now it’s beginning to bug you, so you look for instructions on how to unsubscribe. There are none.

After a while, the message begins to eats at you as if it’s begging for your acknowledgment or goading you into action.  You talk to friends about the problem, but they have no answers. Finally, when the message appears for the umpteenth time, you’re irate enough to trace the IP address, with no luck. Then you take a stab at deciphering the code, but find no rhyme or reason in the content. When all efforts are exhausted, the messages stop arriving and you are left scratching your head.

A few days later, your phone rings from a number you recognize, but when you answer no one is there. Your immediate response would be to call the person back, but they never called you and you chalk it up to a butt dial. This continues a few times with the same result and you think you’re going insane. Next, you experience déjà vu or you think of someone you haven’t heard from in a while and before you call them, they call you.

Have you ever thought that maybe these strange incidents are a signal that there is a message for you – one that you are not able to hear or translate? If so, how did you handle it? Where did you begin?

My memoir, Until Someone Remembers, is my story of the most mystical spiritual adventure one can imagine. When I thought insanity was the only answer to what was happening, I felt compelled to heed my messages and, as a result, embarked on the most unbelievable adventure ever.

This is a book that you have never read before, and it will take you to places you’ve never dreamt of. It will also challenge you to rethink everything you think you know.

There is a message waiting for you.