The belief that love and loss are synonymous, is correct … but not always. Try bending the spiritual spectrum to love, loss, grief and discovery, and there is another view.

There’s a message in your inbox from an IP address you don’t recognize that you are unable to retrieve.  When you open it, it looks like it is written in a language you do not recognize. Even using translation software, produces a nonsensical script. You believe that it could be that you don’t have the right software or it was sent to you by mistake or it is simply annoying spam. You try to open it a second time, but the message just sits there waiting for your acknowledgment. After a day or two you delete it in frustration believing that if it’s important, the sender will resend it. Three days, three weeks, or three months later, the same message reappears, always above all your other messages. Every time it appears, you ignore it and press delete, but it keeps showing up. You try moving the incoming email to the spam folder only to see it return again and again with no particular regularity.  Now it’s beginning to bug you, so you look for instructions on how to unsubscribe. There are none.

After a while, the message begins to eats at you as if it’s begging for your acknowledgment or goading you into action.  You talk to friends about the problem, but they have no answers. Finally, when the message appears for the umpteenth time, you’re irate enough to trace the IP address, with no luck. Then you take a stab at deciphering the code, but find no rhyme or reason in the content. When all efforts are exhausted, the messages stop arriving and you are left scratching your head.

A few days later, your phone rings from a number you recognize, but when you answer no one is there. Your immediate response would be to call the person back, but they never called you and you chalk it up to a butt dial. This continues a few times with the same result and you think you’re going insane. Next, you experience déjà vu or you think of someone you haven’t heard from in a while and before you call them, they call you.

Have you ever thought that maybe these strange incidents are a signal that there is a message for you – one that you are not able to hear or translate? If so, how did you handle it? Where did you begin?

My memoir, Until Someone Remembers, is my story of the most mystical spiritual adventure one can imagine. When I thought insanity was the only answer to what was happening, I felt compelled to heed my messages and, as a result, embarked on the most unbelievable adventure ever.

This is a book that you have never read before, and it will take you to places you’ve never dreamt of. It will also challenge you to rethink everything you think you know.

There is a message waiting for you.

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